As a Christian, I was the unwilling participant in a divorce after 17 years of marriage. Randy Kinnison at Genesis Mediation, LLC offered a sympathetic and patient ear, and provided great perspective and comfort in the period before the inevitable divorce proceedings began. He even prayed for me on a few occasions. Once it became clear that my husband was uninterested in reconciliation of any kind, I was grateful that he was willing to consider mediation as an alternative to allowing the courts to decide our fate. Randy helped us decide all important issues from familial to financial via questionaire and personal interview, many aspects of which had never occurred to us. Our situation was amicable and agreeable, with few disputes, and simple financial issues so we were able to conclude negotiations with 2 sessions. I was impressed with Randy's compassionate and caring style, and also his desire to do what he could to encourage reconciliation. When it became clear that reconciliation was not an option, Randy was sensitive to cost and used the time efficiently while still remaining thorough. We were able to have the papers drawn up by a competent paralegal referred to us by Randy. Though divorce is an unpleasant and painful process, mediation made the process less adversarial and I believe has helped us maintain a basis for remaining civil for the sake of our son. Should one find himself in this unfortunate situation, I highly recommend Randy at Genesis Mediation, LLC as a first option.