Dishonest Dealer. These people are thieves working under the guise of a used car lot. Genesis AutoCrooks is what the name of this business should be called. This review was made to help prevent honest and hardworking people from being cheated out of their money when purchasing a used car. One thing you won?t find at genesis Autoplex is honesty or the least bit of concern for their customers. What you will find is well crafted ads with seemingly nice looking cars, a bible verse in the corner and a description that is designed to lure potential buyers into their car lot. I saw a 2001 Ford Taurus car on Craigslist that looked nice and seemed to be within my budget. I called and spoke with Andre, the owner, and asked if the car needed any work. I told him I wanted to be sure because we would be driving over and hour and a half to see it and he told me the only thing it might need is a tune-up. When we arrived the car had a huge crack on the windshield and he told us the a/c didn?t work but that he forgot to take it off the ad. That should have been the first clue of their deception. Long story short, I ended up purchasing a 2002 Hyundai listed as ?good condition? and ?runs great? for $2700. I took it for a test drive and it seemed okay. After the purchase we drove to a muffler shop that does business with them to get the car inspected. All they did was put a sticker on the windshield and did not even do a ?state inspection?. ONE HOUR after purchasing the vehicle, the engine light came on and the car overheated. I?ve purchased 4 used vehicles ?As-Is? over the last twenty years and they?ve lasted me 5 to 7 years and this one didn?t even last an HOUR. I tried to make arrangements with them to have the car towed to their car lot but they were unwilling to cooperate. Now the car?s in the shop and we?ve filed a complaint with the BBB. For those who are considering buying a car from Genesis Autoplex, think carefully about this review and others like it. Don?t be fooled by the bible verse on their car ads or the fact that they listen to Christian music in their office, because they are what the bible refers to as ? Wolves in sheep?s clothing ? and they will have to answer to God for their corrupt dealings.