if you are a normal person looking for a job dont apply here. the new construction division is ran by jehova rick and if ur not jehova u will be paid bottom of the line wages no matter how much u know, but if u r jehova you can come straight from high school not knowing a dame thing and get paid top of the line wages. if gene watson dosent do something about rick soon hes gonna end up loosing the whole company due to all the people on new construction at elk hills that are going to get together for a discrimination laysuit. its sad that rick treats people like this and he needs to be fired. If gene is reading this u need to check up on all the houses rick builds using gene watson employees on gene watson pay role. and also the concrete sleepers he build off of taft hwy in pumkin center with gene watson employees on gene watson time.
Cons: discrimanation against anyone that doesent go to thier church