The difference with GelFuzion is that we are building for the future of the web. Our focus on web development is in the area of standards compliant web development. This is a new standard of web design and web development. Guess what? Anyone can build a website, but not all the developers are up to speed on these new technologies. The key difference is using technologies such as XHTML, DHTML, CSS, Ajax, Java Script, and XML together to give your site that WOW factor. This also makes your site easier to update and evolve with the future of the web. Many of our competitors are still relying on the old table based layouts which are quickly becoming a thing of the past.
GelFuzion can handle any of your hosting requirements. With a variety of plans to choose from and 24/7 tech support this makes getting your new website up and running a snap.. * Web Site Development
* Content Management Systems
* Hosting
* Standards Compliant Web Development
* Web 2.0 Technologies
Gelfuzion has experience in many different types of web site technologies such as:
* HTML* XHTML* DHTML* CSS* JavaScript* ASP* PHP* DOM Scripting* XML* Flash* Actionscripting and eCommerce Solutions