From the outside, looks can be deceiving - this nursery doesn't look like much. But, once you drive in you realize you've probably found one-stop shopping for all your gardening needs. They have everything from fountains to ponds, lawn and garden art to any type of plant container you can imagine. The best part is that if you're looking for a shade-loving plant, just look under the big shady oaks, that's where you'll find them. Sun-lovers are out in front in the sunny part of the nursery. There are two greenhouses with differing climates for the plants that thrive in them. I've made 4 separate trips to this nursery and each time I've found the staff to be very knowledgeable about the various plants and what to use where, they've pointed me in planting directions I hadn't thought of and with great success. They're friendly and helpful, even to the point of putting my plants in my car for me, even though I'm able to do that myself - just another part of their great customer service! I no longer need to travel from garden center to garden center hoping to find what I'm looking for only to find it didn't come in on the most recent truck and told I should try back next week. We all know that's not the way to get your garden growing. Try Gecko Gardens, I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Pros: Plant variety, knowledgeable staff, cool shady atmosphere, competitive prices
Cons: None that I've found