Mr Gary, I had hoped to write a good review for you after reading the negative ones, but you have failed me too. I do not think your receptionist is frustrated from her personal life but more from your inability to communicate your schedule with her which creates this chaos and dissatisfied customers. I called yesterday to schedule an appointment. I was told you would be in this morning and I should get a call to let me know what time you would be here. Now it is 11 am and I just called your receptionist and she said you haven't made it in this morning????? Now that I have taken a day off from work because you said you would be here today I am scrambling to find a different repair man to come. Business tip: Be up front and honest about your schedule, if you do not have time for me, tell me and I will assume you are a very good and busy man and try you next time. Instead, I am not going to call you next time or reccomend you to any of my friends.