This is probably the best store in the area in terms of individual service and staff, particularly during the holidays. Their year-round staff is amazing on its own but they pick great seasonal help. Husband poke to a nice girl yesterday about choosing a console, she was extremely helpful in assisting us to determine our needs and which console would be right for us.\r
The prices and return policies that others have mentioned are set by the company, not the people who work in this individual store. I don't know why you would leave a complaint about that and hurt the reputation of a knowledgable and patient staff rather than complaining directly to the company, where it will perhaps do real good.\r
For the money in relation to the help we have been receiving and the friendliness of the staff we have been working with, it is a good bargain. Many below-floor price stores are a disorganized mess with poor staffing and even poorer return policies (or none at all -- no returns is worse tha