This is altogether THE BEST GAME STORE I'VE EVER BEEN TO OR EVEN SEEN IN MY LIFE!!! They have millions of games and systems (whatever you need like that) at THE BEST PRICES. The staff is funny, friendly, productive and altogether COOL!!! They allow me and my friends to walk from our school, Juan Cabrillo Middle School, to their store to play video games and they are willing to help those in need of assistance. They help customers to their better than best of abilities. The manager is kind, funny, and understanding. You won't find better prices or assistance at any other Game Crazy OR any other store!!! They even allow my friends and I to come Mon-Fri.\r
Altogether, I love this store and staff like my own really close friends and a favorite hangout spot. If I could, I would give them all the stars in the universe as a rating. Seriously, I'm no fan of over exaggerating, this store really is this AWESOME!!! BRING YOUR KIDS TO TEST GAMES...THEY'LL HAVE A FUN TIME!!!\r
BTW, if they're reading this...IT'S HAMMER TIME!
Pros: Hollywood Videos, Jamba Juice, and other cool places next door, free game testing before you buy, apallingly low price for cleaning used games, help with your game systems, service