Someone seems to be over reacting to something that I'm pretty positive I was there to witness. First off, I am pretty sure it was NOT cutting you off, he was being told by a truck driver to pass him, and you seemed to have tried to speed up to actually cut HIM off to be a snob. In reality, how many people cut people off? Exactlly my point, it doesn't mean a thing if he was driving a company vehicle, I mean, this wasn't even cutting you off! It was being told to pass someone and there you were. You are very lucky that this guy was a NICE guy that clearly does care about his buisness and others, because if he wasn't in all honesty, laying on your horn ALL the way down Maine Street riding on his behind, could have got you in some trouble if he wasn't. I would say you were setting a REAL good example for the young kids in the car at the time. :) Reaaall Good.
Pros: Very polite, caring, and worth going to