Family service agency of the central coast is a private. Nonprofit agency that offers a variety of clinical. Crisis. Educational. Outreach and supportive services for families. Established in 1957. It administers the senior outreach program. Which includes training. Individual counseling. And information and referral services for senior citizens. The agency provides the I-YOU venture program. Which features the recruitment. Orientation and placement of volunteers with the residents of local care facilities. Family service agency of the central coast conducts renaissance. Which is a program that includes professional counseling related to depression. Anxiety. Bereavement. Chronic illnesses. Family conflicts. And alcohol and drug problems. It also maintains a 24-HOUR help line that that handles crisis cases and queries for the residents of monterey. Santa Cruz and SAN Benito counties in california. Family service agency of the central coast is located in santa Cruz. Calif.
Sliding Scale, SE Habla Espanol, Individual, Couple and Family Counseling, Renaissance Program, Medicare, Counseling Services, Confidential Professional Service