If you are looking for more than getting some exercise and want to learn a truly effective martial art then Fuji Karate Center is the place you are looking for. 10th degree Master Phu Thinh teaches every class personally and has been studying karate for over 60 years. The main style taught is Okinawa Konanryu Kohokan Karatedo, which includes weapons. He also teaches Shorinjiryu Jujitsu and Aikido and holds degrees in several other styles.His classes are 2 hours long and can be exhausting and painful, but no one ever said learning martial arts is easy. I have studied under 3 other instructors and all together they didn't come close to teaching what I have learned under Master Phu Thinh. His strength and knowledge is truly amazing.
Pros: Instruction, 2 hour classes, learn many different styles for one price
Cons: need more students