This place gave me FooD P0is*n*ing on July 22 2008, i threw up 7 times, i had the sh*ts for a day and a half.\r
I called the board of health, i also called fuddruckers they said the Manager would call me back, and never did.\r
Food Pois0n*ing is the worst feeling in the world! \r
They eaither dont wash thier hands after they use the bathroom, They cross contaminate thier food, Or the food they are serving is simply Spoiled and no good.\r
It $uck*s it happened to me, a 25 year resident of saugus, ma \r
I used to love this place, but please do the right thing, and dont support a restraunt which makes people SICK !
Pros: nothing
Cons: i got foo0d p0isoning