FIRST OFF LET ME SAY THE ONLY REASON I GAVE THIS A ONE STAR RATING IS I HAD TO RATE IT TO SUBMIT THIS. IF I COULD HAVE RATED THEM IN THE NEGATIVE, I WOULD HAVE!! I sent in my computer for repair. They sat on for nearly 3 weeks before they ever touched it. When I got back in touch with them, I told them what was wrong with it, they said they would have to send it out to San Jose to get fixed. I told them I was concerned about losing all my pictures on it; they told me they could do a data transfer for $70.00. It was in the file for them do to it ( I confirmed it today). They finally sent my computer in after sitting on it again for another 18 days! I got the computer back, and needless to say, ALL MY PICTURES ARE GONE!!! Their attitude towards it all totally S**KS!! They can't explain why it wasn't done even though it was in the file to do it. If anyone has a computer issue, or any type of issue that needs to go to this repair center, you might as well throw away the component and buy a new one from a different store. And this place supposedly has the highest rated service department in the comany; that's not saying too much for the other stores then! Fry's, YOUR OXNARD SERVICE DEPARTMENT S**KS, THE TECHNICIAN'S ATTITUDES S**K, AND I HOPE PEOPLE READ THIS, TAKE HEED, AND NOT DO BUSINESS WITH YOUR INCOMPETENT STORE AGAIN!