This day care is an un-ethical establishment. My child was ""immediately dis-enrolled"" after I expressed concerns in the behavior my child was exhibiting at home and around a certain teacher. Later I was called in to a conference with the director to inform me that her employee was uncomfortable with my presence and she would not have her employees comfort compromised. Not once did the director follow up with me or ask me about my concerns or express any concern for my child's safety. Make sure your child is safe! It was my understanding we could not be treated that way because the center is also funded by United Way and the community donations. As a concerned parent I called United Way and tried to get answers. I don't know how she justifies her (Director) Un-Ethical behavior if there were no disciplinary actions in my child's file for any reason; we always followed the center's rules. Of course this is supposing she might have had to answer to someone and justify her actions. (Which I seriously doubt)