Be careful when bringing your product to this establishment. In particular, when you leave your product to be repaired for an unknown cause, pay very close attention to what the front desk attendant writes down on your initial diagnositc 'service order,' giving them permission and time to see what is wrong with your unit. Be specific as to its' symptoms but do not discuss any particular part of the unit. Bringing in a computer and relaying the signs of trouble you are having transforms into ""you said replace this part only"" in the end and ""I don't know"" when asked if the initial performance problem that was reported has been fixed. Diagnosis is pushed back on to the consumer instead of confirming that they have addressed the point of your visit in the first place. The owner is gracious and did attempt to remedy the situation honorably, but this store's initial in-processing steps and consequent tech explanations are severely lacking in diagnostic repair professionalism and clarity as evidenced by their immediate defensive natures.