Self-Service Laundering:
Small or large loads? We have different-sized washing machines to match your laundry needs,from 16 pounds up to 75 pounds in a single load.
In a hurry? Never wait for a washer or dryer again! We have plenty of machines,and our dryers dry your clothes quickly and thoroughly. No sitting around forever,feeding more and more coins to the dryers,or going home with damp clothes.
Need detergent? Use our handy vending machines.
Need change? No problem. Our change machines exchange your paper money for coins.
Our Broadway location also uses laundry cards (no coins) for your convenience! Just add your money on the card and use this instead of all those coins.
Wash,Dry,and Fold Service:
Too busy to do your own laundry? Let us do it for you. Drop it off in the morning and pick it up later the same day,washed,dried,and folded,all at an affordable price.
Dry Cleaning:
Tired of things being lost or damaged at the cleaners,or not getting really clean? Try our dry cleaning service. We give your clothes and other dry-cleanable items the best of care,and the quality or our service is top-notch!
Coupons and Specials:
Want to save Money? Use the Coupons and Special offers found on our web site,at any of our locations and sign up for our mailing list to receive our latest offers!!