The level of training and discipline maintained at Franklin Taekwondo is far more than I ever expected. Mr. Smithson is not only an accomplished martial artist (4th degree black belt), he is also a gifted teacher. His method of teaching the techniques and disciplines of the art is built on the foundation of instilling respect and self-esteem in all of his students, kids and adults alike. Fully aware that everyone works at their own pace, promotional testing is based solely on the individual, their skill set, and their readiness to advance. Every stripe on every belt is truly a reward based on personal merit. The family atmosphere is just a bonus. The family classes, kids nights out, and other school parties and outings promote the "Taekwondo family" fun that brings the school together as a unit. If you are looking for more than a place to train, you should definitely try Franklin Taekwondo Academy.
Pros: AAA instruction, great for the family or individual, several classtimes available for every age/rank to choose from
Cons: None