The pizza from this place is "OK" - nothing special... but customer service can be downright frightening. The driver, a former owner and long-time employee is a volatile guy. We waited for over an hour for delivery. When he had difficulty locating our house - apparently no GPS or Mapquest, just dead-reckoning - he called and went off verbally on me, saying it was my fault for not giving the store better directions. He was very angry.
I told him not to bother with the delivery as the pizza would undoubtedly be cold and I was going to refuse to take it. A few minutes later he came to my door. I told him I was not accepting the pizza. He started to shout at me. I told him he had to leave and closed and locked my door. He stormed off, yelling "Gxx..." and then muttering "axxxx." He drove off - having parked on the wrong side of the street in a bike lane - at a speed at least 10 mph in excess of the limit... only to find he was driving into a dead end cul de sac. He turned around and came back past the house at a high rate of speed through a neighborhood with lots of children, bikers, and walkers.
I called the store and the worker said that there had been a lot of complaints about this driver. I got the number of the owner. She was apologetic and said she would talk to the driver and call me back. Two days later she had not called. I called her and she said that she talked with the driver and he disagreed with some of what I said and she decided the best thing was for him to write a note and she didn't feel the need to call me back. She said the incident was over and past and she was too busy to pay any more attention to my concerns. I told her I was frightened enough by the driver's explosive behavior that I locked my door and was considering a police report. She laughed.
There are lots of good pizzas available - I'd encourage you to look elsewhere for one.