Thank you Frank Bland Insurance Services for lowering my monthly premium by $35 and providing me with a better health insurance plan. I strongly recommend their services. Frank Bland Insurance Services marketing materials promote the following (and it is all true!): We will teach you the secrets insurance companies do not want you to find out. Our philosophy: 1. Your health insurance should make you as able as possible to get help when you need it. 2. Insurance, whether health or any other, is not designed to help you beyond the insurance company's ability to profit from doing so. 3. The best way to determine which insurance is the best is to do the math. 4. We are the one experts who do the math and unlike you, the consumer, are privy to all the plans and all the tricks in those plans. 5. There are only a few plans to chose from if you are under 65. Over 65 there are just age, location and only two plans to chose from. The rest of them are not the best - period. 6. Since prescription drugs make a difference, you must also know where the best pricing is and how that affects your decision. 7. The promise I make to you is to show you, your associates, your friends, the best choices. I have found that when people are given the facts they will chose what is best. they always do. 8. Your friends and associates will think better of you when you refer them to me. It is very rare that I am not of help. 9. Part D Medicare? I can find the best solution for any situation. They made it tough, but this is what I do for a living. Bottom line: We have no unsatisfied clients. Not one! Relevant keywords: insurance, life insurance, health insurance, term life insurance, dental insurance, insurance quote, health insurance quote, medicare, medical insurance, insurance broker, life insurance quote, free health insurance quote, california health insurance, low cost health insurance, affordable health insurance, long term health insurance, whole life insurance