A previous massage experience left me feeling bruised and beat up, so I was uncertain about how Frank might be different. - Wow - this massage experience was awesome! He left me feeling relaxed, and yet energized. With all the kinks and snags worked out, my body felt like it was working again like it was meant to.
I've had massage in my own home and also at Frank's. In my home I only need to take the opportunity to turn off the TV and close off the noise of life for a short while; there is space for his table (it fits fine in the dining room or living room). In his home, there is a wonderfully furnished room with a calming atmosphere. In both places, Frank totally respects my privacy and modesty, and makes sure I am completely comfortable.
I highly recommend his service to any age person - with any degree of fitness or disability. Frank is well trained, and very sensitive to the needs of his client.