Do not give your money to this company! At one time, this was a friendly local business that I used on occasion to get things framed and the work was excellent. However, when I went in there today with an old gift certificate from 2002 that had been lost for several years, I had a horrible experience. The guy running the shop was very nice and told me that he needed to call his boss to see what to do, because the company had been sold since the certificate was issued. Understandable. His boss said, that it was no problem, they would honor the gift certificate. So, I began to shop and work with the guy running the shop. Then the phone rang and it was his boss again, telling him that he changed his mind and would not accept this certificate. I spoke to him on the phone, and he tried to offer me a 25 percent off discount instead. This was ridiculous...if you purchase a company, continue to use their name and reputation, you must honor the customers and their money that comes with it. In fact, their business card claims to have 32 years of Custom Framing, and my money was spent in those 32 years. He was rude to me on the phone and I recommend you do not waste your time or money with companies that don't care about their customers.