I admitted myself into Four Winds after suicidal ideation got to be too much to handle. Do not listen to any severley negative reviews on this site for Four Winds, they must have been at some other hospital. The staff was perfect, I could not find one nurse/therapist/doctor or just general staff that was not absolutely committed to the well bring of any and every patient that enters the hospital. My only complaint, which is not as much of a complaint as a suggestion, was that they should provide us with a little better quality food and not feed us pizza three times a week. Like I said, this hospital is the only reason I am still alive today....and really, dont even acknowledge the bold print, false, and nonsensical reviews. They were written by people who either:
- Did not allow enough time for medicine to work
- Unfit parents (CPS isn't called for no reason)
- Are probably in need of psychiatric care themselves
If admitted, just keep an open mind like I did and allow the superb staff and facility in general to help you change your life for good as they did for me.