Fort Discovery is a unique training facility located on Discovery Bay near Sequim, Washington. The actual Fort was established in 1792 by British explorer Capt. George Vancouver and his flagship the Discovery. Fort Discovery was recognized for its military importance and strategic location, with his contingency of twenty-four British Marines. Capt. Vancouver and his crew set-up an encampment, observatory, made repairs to his ship and dried their black powder at Fort Discovery for twenty-days. Fifty years later, Fort Discovery was once again explored by Capt. Charles Wilkes of the United States Navy with a fleet of six tall ships. Later, in 1866, President Andrew Jackson established Fort Discovery as a military reservation, which was later dissolved in the late 1800's. In 1987, Joe D'Amico, President of Security Services NW, founded the Fort Discovery training concept. The goal is to develop innovative training methods and concepts, which would give our fighting forces more options for success and survivability. Whether you're fighting on the frontlines overseas, patrolling our neighborhoods, or protecting your family, lessons learned and skills developed at Fort Discovery will enable every student greater opportunity for winning the fight.