I've been shopping at Footsie's for the past four years, and it's one of my favorite stores to shop at on a student budget. Some of the shoes are a bit rickety though, and once I had a pair of shoes fall apart just after one day of wearing them. I have discovered how I can find the good quality shoes among the others though, so now I'm more careful in my selections.
Most of the styles are quite cute. I have a really rugged pair of this store ( this was after my experience with the one pair falling apart) with a flame design along the toes and heels which I get a lot of compliments on. Some of the brands of shoes I've found in other shoe stores, and also online, go for twice as much as I would buy it at Footsie's at $25 for three pairs. For example one pair of sneakers I bought last year was being sold for $50 online, so I think I'll stick to Footsie's even after I graduate from college and get a good job.