Since my hubby played soccer he wants his kiddos to play as well. We decided to try something out for our 3-year old daughter last fall but didn't really know where to go until we saw all of the Foot Action Soccer signs along the side of the roads in Tulsa and Broken Arrow. I gave them a call and went to Academy on 41st Street to sign my daughter up. She was assigned to a team and the coach did very well, considering she was a parent and had to deal with 2-5 year olds. The team won most of the games and each kiddo got a trophy at the play-off game. It was so much fun for my daughter that we will put her in again and when our son gets old enough he'll play as well...for Foot Action Soccer. He is already kicking the ball around at 1-year. The only problem I experienced was not with Foot Action but with Academy and Sports Authority running out of size X small socks. All practices are where the coach chooses and all games are just north of Garnett and Admiral. The website is