Caring, Effective And Affordable
Living Trusts, Wills and Probate: Living Trusts Wills - Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care - Finances and Personal Matters - Inheritance and Estate Settlement Disputes - Division of Assets and Heir and Beneficiaries share of Real Estate Buyouts Will contests and litigation over inheritances. Appointment of estate executors and administrators - Removal and replacement of Trustee and Joint Tenancy Ownership disputes - Federal Estate/Death Tax Issues - Protection of separate property rights. Props 13 & 58. Effect of Prenuptial Agreements on inheritance rights. Setting up viable alternatives to conservatorship for the elderly and disabled persons with emphasis on in-home care and preventing or resolving squabbles, avoiding placement in nursing homes or other institutional care facilities; how expensive probate and estate proceedings can be avoided. Real Estate Cases: Representing property owners to obtain appropriate compensation in eminent domain. City Council and Planning Commission actions; court cases and proceedings by cities, redevelopment agencies or Cal-Trans. Advising and handling court or administrative litigation over real estate contracts and escrow disputes(residential and commercial properties). Removal of recorded liens;