I visiited JC and was willing until i explained i could not schedule my meals due to work (and she implied i was a liar with sarcastic remarks) and again when i stated most diets fail she said i'm just not looking in the right places. \r
There's an interesting article on the NYT website"" Genes take charge, and diets fall by the wayside"". 60s, 70, 80s, 90s, known for years, diets fail but for the rare few. \r
She has the annoying habit of saying over and over, the definition of insanity id doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. she refuses to belief that wrt diets. does that make her insane?\r
even with all that, it wasn't that that made me decide 'never again' wrt Joslin Center
Pros: not an overly long wait, most staff were friendly, the one who wasn't broke the camel's back though, not returning due to that experience
Cons: brusque manner, told to throw away $100 worth insulin for change samples didn't replace them, etc.