10 dozen under $100 ... no muss no fuss.... we are having our women's conference this weekend. planned every detail out months ahead. when we went to pick up our flowers for our big dinner. no flowers. we'd received no phone call.. no indication of any problem. we were told we'd be refunded in 7-10 days. big fat lot of good that did us today. pulled out my tablet and went on the hunt. the first 2 florists i went to didn't have 10 dozen roses in the whole place...even if i'd added them together.... the next 3 florists weren't even open... i had just about given up when i found flower express delivery. they were open. they had many more than 10 dozen and i got them and got out the door for under $100.. my original order was almost twice that. i was shocked. and i was able to get all red which is what i wanted. no problem at all. told them what i needed. they showed me what they had. i picked the ones i wanted. and off and running again. thank you flower express delivery for turning a problem day right around.