My wife and I used to go to Florence's regularly. Great food, great people, Florence always said hello to all her guests. We even suggested it for our daughter's wedding rehearsal dinner. We went in and spoke with Florence about reserving their function room months ago and were assured that there would be no problem. We left thinking this was all arrnaged.
Today, 16 days before her wedding, my daughter went to finalize plans with Florence's and was told the room had been double booked and her party would have to be in the main dining room. She spent money on printing the menu selection she had chosen, directions, the whole works. Then this.
Is this one of the worst things a business can do? I think so.
Florence, you'll NEVER see us in your place again. And if we have anything to do with it none of our friends or acquaintences will visit, either.
John Althouse
Nashua, NH