On referral from family we headed into Floor & Decor in Arvada to check out Laminate flooring for our living room.\r
We were really impressed with the selection, it took us awhile but we were ready to order..This is where it all justs spins out of control at warp speed.\r
The cashier was a little new and there was nobody in charge that could help her so, we waited. Not a problem, only that the door kept opening and it was the first cold day of this year.. We waited patientley for 45 minutes until our order was finally processed and we were given a receipt.\r
A few days later we received a call from the delivery service that Floor & Decor contracts the delivery \r
out to ( we paid 98$)..Our, floors were ready to deliver could I be home on Tuesday for a 5 hour window to receive that delivery, Absolutely! 6 hours later I attempt to reach anyone that could tell me why nobody called or why I am still waiting past my window... After speaking to 4 different people trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together I am finally passed to a manager, who actually said to me "" I don't understand why you are upset Ma'am""... I am now told it was a mistake that I was scheduled for delivery and the laminate flooring was special order and not in yet.. In order to make a wrong, right I believed that he should be willing to refund my delivery charge for the inconveince. Yes, I had to ask for it, nothing was offered for my troubles to start not even an apology, we are sorry let's fix this... \r
I know you thought our nightmare was over, but it is not...After waiting 3 1/2 weeks after we happily paid 1,100.00$$ we finally had to call back and ask Floor & Decor where our floor was??? Hmmm nobody knew really...Seems that a few things happened, 5 boxes of our shippment was damaged and then of coarse the original delivery order was cancelled and nobody noticed that...After a supervisor assured us they would get to the bottom of this, they call us a few days later and proudly tell us all our flooring is in and ready to be delivered!! Yahoo, that is today Oct 13th, 2010...After a few short hours a truck pulls up delivers our flooring and I am thankful this journey is over...Not so fast! Husband comes home and asks where the foam underlay is?? Gee, let's call Floor & Decor and see if they might know?\r
Seems nobody did know where the underlay was and they didn't know what else to tell us, but that we could come drive the 10 miles back to the store again and pick it up ourselves!!\r
Why we didn't just cancel the order and go to HomeDepot or Lowe's I cannot really answer that. I guess we found out and now you don't have to.. Do yourself a favor and choose 1 of the above....