Thank you for your interest in the Flint Sensory Learning Center. For over 10 years now, Sensory Learning has been offering hope to people with sensory integration problems. We are very proud to bring this exciting intervention to Michigan! Established in July of 2003, the Flint Sensory Learning Center has quickly established itself as an excellent resource for those individuals seeking alternative interventions for developmental learning delays, speech and language delays, balance and coordination issues, behavior problems, and general sensory dysfunction. Whether the cause for such delays stems from Autism, Asperger?s, ADD/ADHD, Acquired Brain Injury, or even an unspecified diagnosis, the Flint Sensory Learning Center is providing a successful intervention and delivering promising results! Being one of only a few centers currently in the nation, we consider it a privilege to be able to offer such a unique, non-invasive, intervention, to successfully meet the needs of so many individuals.