Yesterday, my daughter and I had some fun time together in Savannah. On the way home, while passing Fleet Feet Sports, she mentioned...""wanna stop in there and check out some running sneaks""? She lived in Savannah just a few years ago and was familiar with this store. She also mentioned "" they really check your feet out for a good running shoe fit"".
Well, she wasn't kidding!!
My bare feet were first measured, and oogled over some more and then videod while on a running machine. Calculations were made as to problems with my gait. Lauren, the well informed and very helpful sales gal brought out some running shoes she thought were to my best advantage.
Bought a pair!! Yay....they are so comfy!
Ran a bit last night.......and.....this morning!!
Though great running shoes can be bought on Hilton Head Island or Bluffton, to my knowledge, this is the only place that goes to such lengths to customize just what you need.
Thanks So Much