Ed Ferrell at Fitness Together is OUTSTANDING!!! I was very reluctant to hire a personal trainer. Not only was I enormously worried about the cost but I had no idea of where to go or what to expect. But after spending numerous years severely overweight, I knew I had to do something. So when I just picked one, little did I know that Ed would change the rest of my life. I have always considered myself fairly knowledgeable concerning health and fitness. Boy, did I learn quickly just how much I didn't know. Ed taught me about various types of exercises and equipment, also proper posture and stance, how to correctly move through the exercises, what to have in a proper diet and the correct ways in which to implement that diet. You never get that from a regular gym, where you walk in and look at a wall of machines and have NO ONE to talk to and no idea where to begin. Ed ensured that I had all the tools and knowledge to be successful in my weight loss endeavor. With Ed, I have dropped 10 pounds in 6 weeks and it was actually fun to work out. Now I have the understanding and knowledge to continue on and achieve my goals. But all that is not the best part of working with Ed. Never once did Ed make me feel embarrassed, foolish, self conscious, ridiculous, awkward, or any other adjective you can come up with. Ed is always smiling, laughing and upbeat with a "You can accomplish anything attitude." It is impossible to get discouraged while working with him. And he is never short on words of encouragement and praise. For once in my life, I feel that with Ed at Fitness Together, I can achieve the body that I have always wanted to have, even at the age of 38.