Tracypar if that is even close to your real name I'm sorry you feel this way. Its quite obvious you placed this comment on here on the same day we were featured on Groupon to sway people's opinions about us. The only thing I can state is the facts and be thankful for all of the other clients who had better things to say about our hard work. 1st... we haven't offered a 2 wrap package deal to our clients since 2007-2008, which at that time our wraps were only $50 and the package deal was 2 for $80. 2nd... We are very proud of the tons of awesome reviews that our clients have left, whether they come after their initial visit or mutliple visits. 3rd...If you weren't satified with your results the first time then why did you upgrade. We didn't twist your arm nor do we make you pay before your services are complete, so your comments ""Maybe she should let us pay after getting it done so she knows she has to work hard for her money as I did for mine"", were untrue. We've never collected money for services until you were ready to leave our facility. Memberships were the only exception. We value our clients time and are committed to our agreements. The only time I remember canceling multiple appontments at our old location was when I burnt my foot, which I had no control over. Most people understood but some people didn't care, so if this happened to you I apologize again.