I grew up in this church from 1982 until 1998, when we first began attending, this was a Bible-Preaching, King James only, church that taught Salvation by grace, through faith. Over the years, it changed to, ""if you don't act, dress & talk like the preacher thinks you should, you aren't a Christian"". You would be preached at from the pulpit by name if you did not follow the pastor's every whim about how you should dress, etc. I remember a co-worker once attended church with me, after looking around, he asked, ""Did I miss the white shirt sermon?"" I didn't realize until a few years later what that simple question really summed up about the teachings of the church.
I can honestly say what a disappointment it has been to see the fruits of this church over the last 14-16 years of my life as I have watched 95% of the children that grew up with me become drunkards, drug addicts, several got locked up for a variety of reasons, and multiple other problems to painful to mention here. Of course, the excuse for their behavior was always, ""The parents didn't support the pastor"", this is hogwash... The pastor has no control over his own family and presently he lives in a separate house from his wife.
The pastor of this church has complete control over the finances of the church and even though he is paid well by the church, he began operating a used car business and has been involved in a multitude of questionable business practices.
It is such a shame to see the congregations current state. Over the past few years when I would take a moment to stop in for a service while visiting with my family, it was like stepping into the center of an iceberg. The people, even the ones I have known for 25+ years, would not even say Hi, or thank you for coming by to see us. There is a lot of enmity and strife in the church for many various reasons.
All in all, I'm glad for the initial foundation I received from 1982 - 1989, but I feel like the last 8-9 years I spent there were a spiritual drain on me. It has taken me years to get back to where I once was in my spiritual life and I still have a ways to go, but I am confident that with the wonderful church I am now attending that it won't take long.
By the way, for those of you reading this message, I speak soley of first-hand experiences!
Pros: Great Location
Cons: Does not follow Biblical Principals & Fundamentals