All i see all day long is school buses driving around with empty school buses wasting gas cause almost all of newmans kids who go to yolo cant get a ride because they are within the 2 mile walking distance. 2 miles there 2 miles back 4 miles a day times 5 days a week thats 20 miles a week that my child is having to walk thats a bit much if u ask me in the mean time seeing all these empty school buses driving around you guys should be saving a lot of money u would think because the bus drivers barley have to do anything maybe i should become a school bus driver at 38,000 a year for driving around empty school buses. iI think yolo was put where its at on purpose cause i live way on the other side of town and its exactly 2 miles so no kid who lives in newman that goes to yolo is allowed a ride so u do the math i mean not that many kids can live outside that 2 mile walking distance so