When you have had a day that is like no other and the dog ate your sons final exam study guide.The In-laws-have just called and they are coming for the weekend,Where would you want to be.. I would want to be at my church, this church, with my church family,One to pray with me,There teen's to help my son cram one last nite as best they can and you bet even they will pray .Finally that hug that you know is coming to tell you everything will be alright and sunday's coming...At this church we are all one big family.like anyother family we have our cranky pants but ya know what we love them and they love us every much,and I would not have my family anyother way.We have young to old,and we all get along great.My favorite is the prayer partner's,Where teen's are matched up with seniors and they talk, pray,share there thoughts...sorry way over but I could go on forever.....love Dawn
Pros: all good
Cons: a path to the play ground