Young and old, every race and nation, blue collar and white - at First Baptist they all feel accepted and at home. We offer programs to meet the need of every age group:* Senior Adult Ministry* 12 Step Program* Men's and Women's Ministries* Young Adults* Teen Program* Team Kid and AWANA for ages 3-6th Grade* Bible Studies for All Ages* New Members Class* Health and Fitness - And Many More* Nursery Care is Available for Most EventsAMENITYIn addition to the three existing buildings, First Baptist is just completing a new 11,500 sq ft Family Life Center which includes a full gymnasium. This building will provide much needed space for our children and youth programs in particular. We envision a place where these groups as well as families can enjoy a safe place to play and grow together.; Lang:Spanish interpretation is available for the 11:00 am service and a Spanish Bible study is provided.