This is a horribly run company with incredibly poor business personell and policies. We hired them to do our daughters 6th birthday party and they showed up over an hour late from the start of the party (which they really should of been there at least 30 minutes prior to that). Never apologized or anything. \r
Finally started setting up and then determined 30 minutes later that their blower would not work. The gentleman did not have another one and offered to go get a generator but it would take 2 hours. The party was only 4 hours total so this was completely unreasonable for us. He promised there would be no charges, etc.\r
The next day the owner of the company calls and tells me I owe him half the fee because they showed up. Needless to say - I told him where he could go and fastest way to get there. Advised him if he charged my card anything I would dispute the charge.\r
Well, of course, this uneducated fool tried to charge me for not doing anything. After explaining to the bank and providing proof of the contract and the signature of an employee of theirs stating there would be no charges it was all wiped out and charged back to them.\r
Of course, they attempted to charge it two more times before the bank threatened to take their charging priveleges away.\r