I was at fiddlestix golf course 5/21 it was 80.00 for 2 18 holes with a cart.the cart broke down so I called club house they said they would send someone..nobody came.I then walked to club house and got a cart.after our round I went in the club house to return key and suggested that the next round maybe we could have a free cart for our inconvience. The guy behind the counter said carts break down all the time? I asked if evryone had to walk back and get there own cart.His remark was that it wasn't that big of a deal and I didn't have to walk that far.I left shortly after.I would not recommend this course to anyone.I golfed there before 2 times a week 80.00 a crack with 2 ppl thats a lot of money some other golf course will be getting that from now on.. I would recomend spring brook in mora mn...
Pros: n/a
Cons: not people freindly