If you need legal representation, call the Law Offices of Jules N. Fiani at (810) 227-7200 or julesfiani@comcast.net ... Mr. Fiani has represented me for the past 29 years and I am very happy with all of the results. Mr. Fiani is superior to other lawyers in the areas of knowledge, value, professionalism, client care, and availablity. He was always very caring and helped me through my difficult legal times that put much stress on me and my family. He succeeded in helping me overcome these trying times and I'm sure he can assist you too. He is regarded as the best lawyer in Michigan, especially in the areas of Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Drugs and Alcohol, Misdemeanors, Felonies, Traffic Offenses, Wrongful Death, Car and Motorcycle Accidents, Slip and Fall Injuries, and Dog Bite Cases. He is the very best. I was referred to him from several other lawyers, judges, and doctors. I continue to recommend him to everyone seeking legal representation. It costs you no more to have the ve