Fellowship has been wonderful for our family. We relocated to Cary in September, and had no idea how competitive the preschool market was here. Luckily Fellowship had an opening in the 2 year old class. Our son has thrived there, and can't wait to get to school on school days. The teachers and director really do care about the kiddos, and we have been able to participate in classroom activities. Each day the kids do an art project, and go outside on the playground. There is chapel once per week, and the kids are taught very basic Christian fundamentals. The best part of the year is the Christmas concert, the kids practice and practice and are SOOOOO cute singing Christmas songs. We could not have been happier with accidental way we found Fellowship, and our son has really thrived there. Please consider Fellowship for your child. Also, the rates are very reasonable in comparison with other rates for preschools in the triangle.