When I went to the orthodontics to get my braces off, my experience was a little rough but fun. I say rough because I was given watermelon paste, but I could not eat it. It tasted good but I couldnt find the seeds to spit. When they took my braces off, it hurt a little, but it was amazing that it all came out in one piece. My nurse thought I was funny in my spy glasses. I also liked passing the time on the video game, but thats a given since I am a 7 year old boy. When we took pictures, I flashed my amazingly straight teeth smile. I also made funny faces with the mouth spreaders, one of my most favorite experiences. When I was done I received two balloons and my friend buddy the balloon holder. now when I flash my smile I will say kachow just like lightning McQueen. The overall experience was really fun and i am glad to have my braces off. Peace out.