FedEx Kinko's is now FedEx Office
The FedEx portfolio of shipping services has been assembled to address the unique needs of all customers. Whether you are shipping near or far, to clients or family, in a hurry or not and no matter the budget, there is a service that is right for you. Explore our extensive options to find the services that meet your specific needs. FedEx Express® (Up to 150 lbs.; 1 to 3 business days)FedEx Express® (Up to 150 lbs.; 1 to 3 business days)FedEx Home Delivery® (Up to 70 lbs.; 1 to 5 business days)FedEx SmartPost® (Up to 70 lbs.; 2 to 8 business days to U.S. addresses; 3 to 14 business days in Canada)Monday-Friday standard delivery.Proof-of-delivery options.Package-status tracking through and FedEx InSight®.Money-back guarantee*.Tuesday-Saturday. Delivery is between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.Proof-of-delivery options.Package-status tracking through and FedEx InSight.Money-back guarantee*.No Saturday surcharges.Monday-Saturday delivery through the USPS and Monday-Friday with the Canada Post.P.O. Boxes, APO, FPOPackage-status tracking through and FedEx InSight.No residential or Saturday surcharges.Special Services AvailableC.O.D. optionsDangerous goodsDeclared value exceptionFedEx® Delivery Signature OptionsHold at FedEx LocationInternational services and toolsSaturday serviceFedEx Evening Home Delivery®FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery®FedEx Appointment Home Delivery®FedEx Delivery Signature OptionsHold at FedEx Location