I recently brought a set of forks from a KX65 to Fay Meyers due to a leaky fork. They gave them back to me and in the first 5 minutes it leaked again. I took it back and they fixed it a second time, but when they gave it back to me, they told me it had a mark possibly causing the leak. They fixed the leak a second time, but said that was it, any further leaks and I was on my own. The mark was very round, similar to a center punch mark. It created suspicions in my mind that someone had damaged the fork intentionally. I had no proof but I wrote a letter to management with my concerns. They went above and beyond and are fixing the fork. I had no proof they damaged it, only my own suspicions that I could be wrong on. The fact that they listened to the customer whether right or wrong, then made the customer happy is the reason you should use them. They have had a pretty bad reputation over the years, but this clearly shows me an effort to build a better image. I would recommend them after this. The important thing is they made it right.
Pros: Customer was made the highest priority
Cons: had to do it three times, but they made it right