my name is Mike Williams i am 24 years old i have never taken drugs except smoked some pot i am addicted to no substances legal or otherwise but in the course of being treated for pancreatitus i was treated like trash, an addict beneath respect by a Dr.Kieth Legnese,M.D<--(lolz),and Dr.Fatigatti at Fatigatti and Nalin and associates there were 3 docters that were truly kind Dr.Sabina Daroski,,Dr.Mcmichael and another that i do not remember. but the majority were so concerned with whether i was an addict or not that treatment was secondary to their goals whatever they may have been. sadly they have a monopoly in the area i live and i still have a few medical problems that are not treated and will remain problematic i hope if any 1 reads this it prepares you because i was not and was truly surprised by they're barbaric care, attitude and aggression. the nurses and staff at st. Claire were awesome though so full kudos on them I cant say enough how dissapointed i am in the fact that the people who have the power to help decide not to out of some insane paranoia