It's not about income, or that you did anything wrong. Sometimes bad credit just isn't your fault. No one understands this better than Fast Finance Auto Sales. For over 20 years Fast Finance Auto Sales has been helping people just like you. Good people with bad credit that need a nice car. Fast Finance Auto Sales is very different from other secondary credit lenders. Honestly, you should know that you can get approved just about anywhere if you can afford a huge down payment, and full coverage auto insurance. Thats where Fast Finance Auto Sales is different. You've probably seen our commercials where the guy looks at the camera with a slightly silly expression and boldly states "It Doesn't Matter!" What doesn't matter? Almost everything doesn't matter. If you've got a job, and you need a car, and you can't afford a big down payment or full coverage insurance, Fast Finance Auto Sales is the answer for you. Fast Finance Auto Sales is known for many things. First, we're the home of As Little As 99¢ Up Front*. What does that mean? It means that if you qualify (and a lot of people do) you can bring us a dollar and drive away with a car and a penny. Fast Finance Auto Sales helps take the sting out of state fees, state sales tax, and other closing costs associated with purchasing a vehicle. Literally, as little as 99¢ down means As Little As 99¢ Up Front*.