This happened at the Snowheights store. An employee was yelling at another employee.. He stormed off, still muttering. He came back and yelled some more. Then he vented to another employee. This was all on the floor, in front of customers. I went up to him and politely told him that he shouldn't do that in front of the customers. He responded, "I'll do it wherever I please. I've run this store for over 50 years..." He then said he was the owner. I repeated that he shouldn't yell in front of customers. He talked about trying to help a customer (I think he was delvering an order), but all the while he is being rude and raising his voice to me, a customer. I am not used to people speaking that way to me, and other customers witnessed this. He was angry, but after running a store for 50 years I would hope one would learn not to admonish employees in front of others, especially customers. And raising one's voice to a customer is just no acceptable.