FareStart is a non-profit that provides on the job training for homeless and disadvantaged men, women and youth in the food service industry.
FareStart operates several retail businesses that give students an opportunity to practice skills that they will use in their search for employment and a way to improve their lives.
FareStart has an online retail store selling items perfect for the holidays and anytime of year (including holiday cards)
http://farestart.marketsync.com/ (the retail store)
FareStart Restaurant
1902 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Lunch M-F 11am-2pm
Thursday night, Guest Chef Night (5:30pm-7:45pm), local chefs prepare a 3 course meal and serve it up to patrons with the help of volunteers for $19.95 (beer and wine available)
Library Cafe
Seattle Central Library
1000 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
Espresso Cart located on the 4th floor in the northeast corner of the library. Open most hours the library is open. This business trains youth in espresso beverage production and customer service.
2100 Cafe
2100 24th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144
The 2100 building is host to a variety of non-profits including a cafe that FareStart operates, also for the youth barista program.