At Family Life Church in Waukegan, Il. you will be made to feel right at home, that is why we call ourselves Family Life Church, because our church feels like a big family. We are a facially diverse body reflecting our community and the Kingdom of God. Our vision is for all people to come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
We aim to be a church that is loving, where newcomers can easily feel accepted. We want our church to be a community where the spiritually weary or wounded may find healing in Jesus for victorious, fruitful living.
We believe a strong church is:
* A Praying Church
* A Giving Church
* A Witnessing Church
Emphasizes four main ministries of Jesus Christ:
* Jesus is the Savior
* Jesus is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit
* Jesus is the Healer
* Jesus is the Returning King
Sunday Worship: 10:00am (Spanish translation is available
Saturday Prayer Meeting: 7:30-8:30
We hope you will come experience our "family soon!